Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh, Where Has My Turtle Gone?

Grice and his friend Noah found this little turtle on a canoe ride Saturday. "Stick" was spotted on a stick by Grice and Whoa! Nelly! we now have a pet turtle! They had the turtle in the garge in this little critter catcher thing which was all good. I had great intentions to encourage them to let the turtle go before the day was over. Well, little did I know that the turtle was taken to Grice's room where he was going to "live" for the rest of his turtle life. He was in the critter catcher, but as you can see in this picture that little turtle is a climbing turtle. After Noah went home and Grice went up to start getting ready for bed we heard this wailing coming from upstairs. I thought something serious had happened, and it had indeed! Stick was GONE! The fourfortenberrys instantly went on a turtle hunt. We searched the house over.....then.....who comes around the corner? Daisy.......the dog......the turtle eating dog?? The whereabouts of Stick are still a mystery........stay tuned.....

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this turtle story. Was the turtle ever found?? :-)
