Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thought for the day

HOPE.........Believing that something GOOD can come out of something BAD.
We know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him. Romans 8:28

Thursday, March 12, 2009

PInewood Derby 2009

He didn't win a single race! But next year they all better watch out! We have it figured out now! Flat is better with a hole, one wheel not touching, as close to 5 lbs as possible.....

Next year we will not be so focused on how cool the car "looks". Live and Learn!

Good friends!

Houston, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!


Thought For The Day

Angry words take just one moment
And bring forth a flood of tears,
But the wounds they have created
Linger on for months and years.
When a person's temper gets the best of him, it reveals the worst of him.

Ice Awards 2009

We went to the Ice Awards on Sat. night at The Palace Theatre. WMBF and one of the news reporters was nominated for an award. Neither won an award but it was a huge deal to be nominated since they have been on such a short amount of time!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thought For the Day

Maturity is moving from a soft skin and a tough heart to a tough skin and a soft heart.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Father Daughter Dance

This was a big night! We returned 3 dresses before we got the right one, spent about 2 hours shopping for the perfect earrings and crown, and worked almost 2 hours on the hair including sending Dad to the store for more bobby pins. They practiced the funky chicken ahead of time and felt ready to take on the dance floor. Anna looked beautiful and Dad was lookin' pretty hot himself! It was a night to remember!

Workin' it!

Friends from her class, Megan and Ashley

The lovely couple......
Those are my shoes, necklace and purse....she is borrowing already!

Thought for the Day

Hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad. Whatever happens, remember God has a plan.
Romans 8:28 "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him."